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Biocatch Combating Fraud in the Digital Age

11:00 - 12:30 EST+112.09.24


As fraudsters become increasingly sophisticated, organizations must adapt their strategies to stay ahead. This roundtable brings together industry leaders to discuss the latest fraud trends, challenges, and best practices. Learn how BioCatch can help you protect your organization from fraud and drive digital transformation.

Discussion Points:

  • The Evolving Threat Landscape: Discuss the latest fraud trends and the challenges faced by financial institutions.
  • The Role of Behavioral Biometrics: Explore how behavioral biometrics can be used to detect and prevent fraud.
  • Real-World Examples of Fraud Prevention: Share success stories and case studies of organizations that have successfully implemented fraud prevention strategies.
  • The Future of Fraud Prevention: Discuss emerging trends and technologies shaping the future of fraud prevention.


Digital Identity
Behavioral Biometrics