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In Person

Elastic Enhancing Financial Services with AI-Powered Observability

18:30 - 21:30 EST+110.10.24

Abstract: The financial sector demands low-latency and secure experiences, making observability a critical factor. This roundtable will explore how AI-powered observability solutions can help financial institutions process and analyze large amounts of data at speed, gain real-time insights, and proactively address challenges. We will discuss the benefits of AI-powered observability, including improved customer experience, cost savings, regulatory compliance, and enhanced security.

Discussion Points:

  1. Strategic Importance of Observability: How do you view observability within the strategic context of your business? What are the key benefits and challenges?
  2. Evolving Observability Practices: How are your teams evolving their observability practices? What are the major challenges and roadblocks you're facing?
  3. Impact of Generative AI: How is generative AI impacting observability and the way your teams operate? What are the potential benefits and risks?
  4. Balancing Observability Costs: How do you balance the cost of observability with the need for comprehensive monitoring of your applications and infrastructure?
  5. Key Use Cases: What are the top 3-4 use cases you're solving through observability? How has observability helped you achieve these goals?
  6. Connecting Observability and Business Outcomes: How do you measure the impact of observability on your business outcomes? What metrics are you tracking?
  7. Observability Maturity Curve: Are your teams following a maturity curve for adopting and evolving their observability needs? What are the key stages of this journey?
  8. Centralized Observability Platform: Do you have a centralized observability platform team? If so, how do they service the teams that leverage observability tools?

