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Microsoft & PwC Decoupling Revenue Growth from Cost Growth with GenAI and Microsoft Dynamics

13:00 - 14:30 EST+130.07.24


This roundtable, led by industry leaders, explores how to decouple revenue growth from cost growth by leveraging GenAI and the value of Microsoft Dynamics across various business functions. Targeting C-Level executives, VPs, and Directors, the discussion will focus on strategic alignment of Dynamics with emerging trends, integration capabilities with Azure and Power Platform, and best practices for security and compliance. Join the conversation to explore how GenAI and Dynamics can enhance employee and customer experiences while optimizing costs and driving growth for Equitable Bank, Intact Financial Corporation, and Moneris Solutions Corporation.

Discussion Points:

  1. Strategic Alignment of Dynamics with GenAI and future trends
  2. Integration of Dynamics with Azure and Power Platform
  3. Security and Compliance considerations within Dynamics
  4. Future challenges facing CRM systems and Microsoft's approach
  5. Optimizing costs with GenAI and Dynamics


Generative AI
Revenue Growth
Business Intelligence