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Shopify in partnership with Google Cloud & Cognizant Unified Commerce: The Future of Seamless Selling

18:30 - 21:30 EST+109.10.24

Abstract: Today's discerning shoppers demand seamless, personalized experiences across all touchpoints. This event will explore how unified commerce can help you capture their attention and drive sales. We'll discuss the trends shaping the future of commerce, the benefits of a unified approach, the power of technology and partnerships, and how to measure the impact of unified commerce on your business.

Discussion Points:

  1. Measuring the Impact of Unified Commerce: How can retailers effectively measure the impact of a unified commerce strategy on their overall business performance?
  2. AI and Data Analytics: How does integrating AI and data analytics into a commerce platform improve customer engagement and sales?
  3. Transitioning to Unified Commerce: What are the key challenges retailers face when transitioning from traditional commerce systems to a unified approach, and how can these challenges be overcome?
  4. Seamless Selling Across Platforms: How does seamless selling across multiple platforms contribute to creating a personalized customer journey, and what are the best practices for implementing this strategy?


Unified Commerce
Customer Experience