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In Person Event

Sonatype CISO's: Your Developers are Using AI Whether You Know About It or Not

The Stafford, London
18:30 - 21:30 GMT12.03.25

Location: The Stafford, London, Mayfair


As AI continues to reshape the software development landscape, organizations increasingly rely on AI models that are consumed as open source components.

Whether integrating AI components into software or using AI models to develop software, developers under pressure to produce innovative features quickly are using AI components. This means the same considerations that apply to open-source software — security, compliance, risk management, and governance — are just as critical for AI models.

At this dinner, attendees will have the opportunity to explore the similarities between the rise of open source and current AI adoption, examine AI’s role in modern software development, and discuss safe and secure AI adoption in the software development lifecycle — including diving into why prohibiting its use would be costly.


Thomas Locher, CISO and Generative AI SME at Global Bank, will explore the evolving cybersecurity challenges in his presentation "CISO Challenge: Going Active," highlighting the need to adapt traditional security principles to protect AI systems that initiate actions and produce varied responses.

Risk Management
AI Adoption
Open-Source Software