
G7 Kristian Willmott Headshot
Kristian Willmott Head of Marketing

The Cornish seaside is home to some of Britain’s most beautiful beaches, it is championed for the Cornish pasty and attracts convoys of southbound tourists looking for an escape to summer delights like Rodda’s clotted cream, Rick‘s fish and chips and the…

Investing Kristian Willmott Headshot
Kristian Willmott Head of Marketing

The roof busting stock market gains of 2020 surprised many, with the global index’s melting up, tech stocks confidently jumping to new heights and for many crypto enthusiasts, their dreams were being realised.

Joe Biden: Executive Order Kristian Willmott Headshot
Kristian Willmott Head of Marketing

The decision by the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in 1973 to establish an oil embargo on the US, UK, Japan and other states triggered a crisis of capitalism and security.

Network Kristian Willmott Headshot
Kristian Willmott Head of Marketing

It may seem strange that one of the biggest contributors to innovation is not confident risk-taking start-ups, but in fact, the military sector propelled by generous state aid.