
Work Kristian Willmott Headshot
Kristian Willmott Head of Marketing

Have you ever heard of the 7-38-55 rule? For those who reject the idea of equal part cocktails, the 7-38-55 rule may better correspond to how you like your Negroni.

Apple Products Kristian Willmott Headshot
Kristian Willmott Head of Marketing

Apple has come a long way since its rise as a disruptive start-up picking fights with established computer giants like IBM.

Space Kristian Willmott Headshot
Kristian Willmott Head of Marketing

The 2009 blockbuster hit ‘Avatar’ introduces viewers to a conflict between a tribal species native to Pandora and an inter-galactic corporation looking to extract the highly valuable commodity ‘Unobtanium’.

cyber Kristian Willmott Headshot
Kristian Willmott Head of Marketing

In 2012 President Obama was seeking re-election from the American people, one of the key policy debates in the campaign was over US defence spending.