
2022 Kristian Willmott Headshot
Kristian Willmott Head of Marketing

For many of us, the pandemic has been a time of deep reflection. With lockdowns imposed and furlough providing a security net for hundreds of millions of people, the streets emptied faster than a saloon before a shoot-out in a wild western thriller.

New York Kristian Willmott Headshot
Kristian Willmott Head of Marketing

New York has had a long history of inspiring innovation, attracting ambition and modernising with
the times. It has been a beacon of life for people escaping their home countries, such as the Great

Presents Kristian Willmott Headshot
Kristian Willmott Head of Marketing

Christmas is a very special time of year, where people spend time with loved ones and exchange gifts.

Alan Turing Kristian Willmott Headshot
Kristian Willmott Head of Marketing

In 1942 a war-torn Britain, reeling from the Blitz, bogged down in North Africa and in reverse in Asia, would discover the country’s best chance at survival. This would be in the form of a civilian army of crossword loving, tea drinking, unapologetically avid data collectors.